Rt. Hon Carwyn Jones AM
 First Minister of Wales
 Welsh Government


2 July 2015

Evidence session: the Welsh language


Dear First Minister,

I am writing to invite you to attend a meeting of the Committee in the autumn term to discuss your responsibilities regarding the Welsh language. In particular, Members would like to ask you about the Welsh Language Commissioner’s Annual Report, which we anticipate will have been published in advance of this session.

It would be helpful if you would provide a paper in advance of your attendance which, in addition to covering matters in the Welsh Language Commissioner’s Annual Report for 2014-15, includes the following:

·         an update on what has been achieved so far in the first year of the Bwrw Mlaen strategy;

·         an update on the implementation of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011, including the introduction of standards;

·         details of how the Welsh Government intends to take forward issues around the Welsh language in implementing the Donaldson review.


More generally, you will wish to be aware that the Committee has agreed to review the work it has undertaken during the fourth Assembly with a view to assessing its impact. The evidence session with you will provide an opportunity to discuss the Committee’s work relating to the Welsh language as part of this legacy review.

The clerk will liaise with your office about the arrangements for the meeting, and I would be grateful to receive your paper by Friday 31 July.  

Yours sincerely,

Christine Chapman AC / AM

Cadeirydd / Chair